1. How should we go about initiating a request for service?
Prior to sending any compounds, please send an email to
dmpk-fl@scripps.edu including your contact information,
the compound name(s), and the specifics on which assays
you are interested in. We will get back to you to work out the
2. What species are available?
In vivo experiments are limited to mouse and rat. Most
in vitro studies can be expanded to incorporate additional
3. What is the turnaround time?
Turnaround time varies with the experiment. In vitro
studies are usually run when a sufficient number of compounds
have been submitted for the assay. For example, if 20
compounds are submitted for mouse microsome stability, this
request may have the data reported back within a week of
compound delivery, but a single compound may take twice that
4. How much compound is required?
For in vitro studies, compounds can be submitted as a solid or
in solution, preferably as a 10 mM DMSO stock solution. 30 µl
is sufficient for most in vitro work. In vivo studies require solid
compound. The amount differs with the species and dose. The
following formula will help you predict the amount of compound
Compound = 10 + 1.25 * (n * D * # * BW * SFC)
n=replicates, D = dose in mg/kg, # = number of doses
BW = body weight (use 0.025 for mouse and 0.45 for rat)
SFC = salt form correction.
Example 1. A single rat PK study IV dosed at 1 mg/kg with n=3 rats. Compound is provided as a free base
with a molecular mass of 400. Submitted compound should be:
10 + 1.25 * (3 * 1 * 1 * 0.45 * 400/400) = 12 mg
Example 2. A single rat PK study orally dosed at 30 mg/kg with n=3 rats. Compound has a molecular mass of 400 and TFA salt is submitted. This would require:
10 + 1.25 * (3 * 30 * 1 * 0.45 * 514/400) = 75 mg
When sending compound, make sure to include your contact information inside the package.
5. What other information do I need to provide?
We need the exact mass (molecular weight) of each compound. If there are numerous compounds, an electronic copy is preferred.
6. Will I get a final report?
Studies come with a datasheet and a brief description of the results. If you require a final report, an additional report fee will be charged.
7. Can we get a quote?
We do not require a formal quote for the initiation of studies, but if it is needed for the contracting institution a quote can be generated.
8. How should we handle billing?
An invoice will be sent to you after the completion of the work. If you wish for a PO to be applied to the invoice or to have a specific person or department contacted please include this information with the original request. Prepayment of a portion of the study costs may be required if the
materials cost of the study is high.
9. Can you help with grant proposals?
We have extensive experience working on NIH funded projects. We can provide descriptions of assays and compound progression plans for grant proposals. Depending on the level of involvement we have functioned in numerous roles including: fee-for-service as a core, co-investigator, and co-PI.