The Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Core at UF Scripps Biomedical Research is staffed by experienced professionals with backgrounds in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries.
We are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including four mass spectrometry systems: two Sciex 5500s, a Sciex 6500 Qtrap, and a Thermo QExactive. We work with multiple internal and external groups using collaborative grant-funded or fee-for-service mechanisms. A full suite of in vitro and in vivo assays ensure that liabilities in lead series can be identified early in the lead-optimization process, allowing the whole molecule to be optimized rather than limiting the focus to potency.
In vivo experiments can be customized to replicate your efficacy models, allowing plasma and tissue drug levels to be determined under conditions most relevant to your studies. Grant assistance with the description of DMPK assays and how to incorporate the assays into your compound progression plan is available.

Representative studies frequently run within the DMPK lab are listed here. If you are interested in something not listed, please ask.
- Hepatic microsomal stability (also available for cytosolic, S9, and hepatocytes)
- Plasma or whole blood stability
- Plasma protein binding
- P450 inhibition – single point cocktail or titrated for individual isoforms
- Permeability – PAMPA
- LogD
- Solubility – kinetic or equilibrium
- Metabolite Profiling – We were the only academic group included in beta-testing the latest version of the Thermo MetWorks Metabolite ID software.
- Michael Acceptor/electrophile assay
- In vivo pharmacokinetic studies
- Tissue distribution
- Bioanalytical
- Discovery Tox/tolerability